today i met this super duper nicew person in gensin!! ive been playing sense realse but my builds suck.. they helped me a lot with artifact farming.. the clear time was insane!!
okay confession. all games i play are pirated unless their free. so if theres any good gasme rec lmk!!! im currently downloading dangaproa S and animal crossing rn
merry almost chrismas everynyan! what did everyone ask for this year? i askede for a church dress and a new sweater! i got my best frends some gifts too! (gift giving is my love languge tbh) i got kae-chan a gothic fashion illistration book and issac some kirby stickers! i never ask for anything in return of course, it makes me happy when i can see them smile!
latley ive been watching a lot of saiki-k, i think its a really good anime and i recomend it to everyone. ill re-watch it forever!
its been sooo long sense ive last updated my blog! i had to unlink it for a bit... lol .. anyway you remeber that guy from last time? well hes not really in the picture anymore, i just dont like him. it might have just been admeration.. but i have a huge crush on HIS FRIENDDDD and this time he likes me back! i think.. we stay up talking all the time and he makes me very happy..
chrismas is coming up soon which is coool! i didnt really ask for anything this year, just a new church dress. thats all for now! bye!
omg! i havent updated in a while... ive made 2 new friends and schools going pretty good i think! i hopw that everyone is also doing well :3c for halloween im gonna be kiki from kikis delviery service! maybe ill share pictures here.. ive been baking quite a bit latley too and i brought pumkin bread to school today !! ive been trying to do more 'girly' hobbies i guess? people often see me as a tomboy so ive been doing stuff like baking, hair, makeup, painting, y'know? i know i dont have to but i want to be seen more feminine lol. also!! i got the phone number of this super cute guy in my grade! he said hes talking to someone else right now but im prou of myself for having the confidence!
okay last thing if u care.. that cute guy in my ceramics class looked at me!!! eeeeek!!! ill start calling him m&m as a code name on here lol, wuld be akward if he saw this somehow byut wtv.. ill keep you guys posted!
not a whole lot to talk about today.. but its ofically october! hopefully its going well for everyone! today was the schools 'club rush' my friend (the one ive talked about previously, ill call her kae-chan) is vice president of the medical club so she had to be at that table.. i wasnt part of the cub but i guess i am now! i helped with getting more meber n stuff! ive never been in a club before so im pretty excited!
one thing that was kinda embarssing is when i was putting up flyers for the club my (sorta) crush like made a remark about what i was wearing, h assumed i was like emo or something? (was wearing a band tee) but its okay cause i got to help out kae-chan!
the reason i call her 'kae-chan'is cause her mom only speaks japanese and im at her house so much i started calling her that lol.. but its a really cute nickname!
i know this has become a rant n stuff but i really like using this as a jornaul sorta thing,,, i hope someone out there cares enought to read this LMAOO. but anyways in my chinese class today i stutterd over-and-over again over a stupid word! why do i suck at public speaking?? (the word was jiu3, im pretty good at chinese i think but public speaking freaks me OUTTT) okay thats all!

wow! consitaint posting?!! okay okay.. so in my last post i wasmt sure if i really had a crush or not but now im sure of it.. i saw him in the hallway when i was with my friend and i turned BRIGHT RED i was so nervous just walking by him! i know people dont wanna hear my ramble about this stupid guy but i need to put it out there LOL once again i dont expect this to go any farther thn a crush and i dont think ill ever even talk to him but its fun to day dream! (if u have advice HELP)
today my biology class went outside to find roly-polys! i sadly didnt find any, but my classmates did! we're doing a thing where the roly-polys are given 2 objects and we record what they pick! pretty cool!!! my class mate found a salamander(?) picutres will be at the botoom of the blog! other then that i went to burger ville with my friend! im very lonley most of the time but i still try to make the most out of it, y'know? i paid fo the both of us but shes a good friend so i dont mind! now its 7:12 pm and im just chilling writing this blog post...
okay now for the secound part of the title AAAH! this is so embarssing but i need help! theres this guy in the grade above me whos like.. super-duper cute! i dont know if i just admire him or if i have a crush on him?! i really hope that my class mates dont really see this LOL .. ive never talked to him so i think its just admuration but like idk.. also i should add that i dont think we'll ever date or anything as hes way out of my leauge but it does make school more interseting lmao

i hate schol. i have liek 0 friends and all my classes suck.. im not gonna go to homecoming becuase i have no one to go with and im just a bit of a mess, i know this isnt the place on complain but it really sucks. i hope everyone else is doing well tho aha, ill creat a geust log soon..
hi everyone! this is my secound ever blog! how exciteing! im super duper nervous about school starting .. but i also get to hang out with my friend today which is very cool! i also made sime art last night, which was pretty weird, it was from the game saya no uta , would anyone like my to make an art page? i just draw for fun, im not too serious about it.. lol im sorta a mess rn...
anywaayyy! heres a lit of some of my favriote artists right now!
✤ sewerslvt, ✤ joost , ✤ ski aggu

hello internet! today i am makng a blog mwahahah.. i woke up feeling pretty dizzy today (⸝⸝ᴗ﹏ᴗ⸝⸝) but i also cleaned a lot of my room ! yay! school is starting soon and im pretty nervous.. i dont have many friends and a lot of people dont even know i exist.. wwww. im going to try and set some good goals for the school year! like getting a few A's and improving how much i procrasanate.. one thing i am look forward too tho is the weather! i love sunny-ish days with cold mronings, light brezze and wearing pants with t-shirts! it always makes me happy!
heres soemthing else i did today! im working on making a yandere sim oc! so far im scowlight the internet for diffret hairs because i dont have unity ૮ › ㅈ ‹ ა ive found a few good ones that im messing around with right now!
this is just a test ><;